Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Article Contributed By: 
Michael Brendan
VIP Contributor
Entrepreneur, Writer, Blogger, Digital Marketing Consultant, SEO Expert.

Whenever I have the opportunity to talk to people about investment, what I simply do is summarize the book of the Preacher, Ecclesiastes 11:1-6. Particular attention is drawn to the first, second and the sixth verses.

The first verse talks about casting one's bread in the waters. Bread also means seed because seed produces bread. Water expands or spreads. Connotatively, casting one's bread on the waters means spreading one's resource or investment. The B part of the same vers...e says, "...for thou shall find it after many years" This talks about long term investment. Usually, if you plant a seed, you do not get the yields immediately until a period of time. So also is your investment.

The second verse of the passage gives much credence to the previous verse: "Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth." This simply means that you have to commit your resource to different investment options because you do not know which of the investments will bring in returns.

The sixth verse talks about sowing one's seed continually. Some people have had to slow down or even quit investing because of failure, disappointment, loss or possible loss of money or betrayal. You are advised to keep sowing/investing because you don't know which of these investments will bring you returns.

The above paragraph can be summarized as follows:
1. Think of adding more investments to the existing ones. Do not limit your investment. If you do limit your investment, you will be limiting your chance of expanding your income. Warren Buffet once said: "Never depend on a single income, make an investment to create a second source." Don't behave like the rest who think they have arrived with just one source of income. Expand your horizon. Cast your bread upon the waters. Create more investments.

2. Whatever your experience is/was with certain investments, do not let that deter you, instead; let it be a source of learning. Remember, those who quit never wins.

3. Spread your resource across various investment options. You don't know which will bring you returns/profit.

4. Your expenses keep rising by the day as a result of increasing family size, rising cost of living, inflation, responsibilities, etc. If you don't find ways to increase your earnings; at some point, your earnings will be too meager to take care of your needs let alone your wants.

Are you ready to cast your bread upon the waters? Are you ready to do it the wise way? Then fill this form and let us get to know you better.

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