BUSINESS IDEAS HUB (BizIHub) is a voluntary business empowerment hub for entrepreneurs, business owners, self-employed individuals and anyone who has keen interest in starting a business from any location in the world. BizIHub is the brain child of McBrandon Business Consulting and was created by Brendan B. Michael first in January 2017 with the name, “Wealth Ideators” On July 7, 2017, the name changed to BizIHub and so did its objectives.


Membership of BizIHub is open to every interested individual around the world, irrespective of one’s profession, level of education, or status in the society; but you need to first like and/or follow the hub on any of its social media channels (Website, Facebook, Twitter, etc). This social group is not limited only to business professionals and students studying business or entrepreneurship, it is open also to everyone from all walks of life as we believe life itself is business and business is life.


BizIHub promotes information, ideas and contributions relating to business, entrepreneurship and marketing that can potentially assist members in making the right and best decision for business growth and for establishing a startup. Membership of the hub is not just a privilege but an efficient or cost-effective way of obtaining useful information, guide, mentorship and consultation for one’s business or startup. The hub thrives when every member contributes selflessly and with no strings attached. Only discussions that are micro-economic in nature (In other words, they must be strictly related to business, entrepreneurship and marketing at individual or industry level) that are allowed on this platform. Posts on POLITICS and RELIGION are NOT allowed.


The core values of BizIHub are encapsulated in the acronym, STIR:

Selflessness (Service) – As a way of contributing back to the society, give all you can afford to give to every man. It will surely come back to you in some other way. Whether you believe it or not, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or in this context, Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) is no less a silent or covert advertisement.

Tolerance – Everyone does not have the same level of intelligence, academic qualification/attainment and experience in the field of business. Therefore, do not disparage against any contribution you think does not equate with your level of thinking. Treat every contribution or contributor with respect and dignity.

Interest – Every member of the hub must have the interest of the group and its members at heart. Opportunities that you feel members of the hub could benefit from should be promoted to members while ideas for improving the hub should also be presented politely and constructively.

Respect – Every human being deserves respect. Treat people the way you want to be treated. If you desire respect give respect and everyone in the hub will fair happily.


The success of BizIHub is a function of what the members say or post on the platform. To ensure therefore that the actions of members do not hamper the progress of the hub or do not kill the objectives of the hub, its admin personnel have come up with operational rules guiding the actions of  members. Every member has an obligation of reading the Rules of the Hub properly and abide strictly by them.


The Hub’s official website contains free articles and other resources that are available for free:



Business Ideas Hub (BizIHub) is for ideas/knowledge/information exchange only and therefore neither the Hub, her Administrators, nor any member thereof can be liable in any manner whatsoever for any information, suggestion or response freely offered in respect of any questions asked in the Hub.

As a member of this Hub, if you need any professional business advice or opinion that you could rely upon, kindly seek a second opinion by consulting a certified business/investment advisor and ensure you have a private one-to-one contractual relationship with the person.

Brendan B. Michael

BizIHub Publisher/Coordinator

Associate Member, National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (Chartered); Member, Nigerian Institute of Management; Marketing/Business Consultant and Authoritative Content Creator.

© April 5 2021.

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