Saturday, August 01, 2020


Contributed By:
Michael B. Brendan
Marketing Consultant, Business Strategist, "Infopreneur" and Writer
Follow the writer on Facebook

Ever heard the saying, “Business decisions should be based on logic, not emotions”? This sounds quite rational but it is fickle. There is no business idea without an iota of sentiment or bias. In fact, sentiment or emotions is one of the ingredients of all business start-ups.

Did you ever start a business pitched with facts, figures, independent research and with high hopes that it will succeed; only to be shocked by a loud, unmistakable, and definitive “No” from your first prospect?

This is a proof that business should not be based on logic, facts or figures alone. There must be an element of sentiment. There are presently theories and research for both rational decision-making and emotional decision-making focusing on the important role of emotions in decision-making. Pfister and Bohm (2008) believe that “the issue of rationality should be based on the validity of emotional evaluations rather than on formal coherence”

Let’s be a bit practical now. Think of any football federations in the world that is still struggling with followership. Have you thought why people do not talk about their local leagues, clubs, players or other interesting news? The simple reason is that there are very few local people who are passionate or emotional about those football federations, unlike football-loving federations where their local people follow them with great passion and motivation.

Back to business again. If you must succeed in your business, you need friends, families, fans and well-wishers who are ready to support what you do with passion, emotion or sentiment. They are minority that I call the early adopters through whom the late adopters (the majority) would find a good reason to support your business.

Do you really want to hear the truth? Leverage your start-up on the sentiments or emotions of your families, friends, fans and well-wishers. They are the foundation upon which you can grow your business to the very big conglomerate you have always dreamed of.