Wednesday, October 04, 2017

23 Sure-Fire Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics for Striking Online Gold

Contributed By:
R. L. Adams
Source: Entrepreneur

Continued from, Tuesday, October 3, 2017

7. Increase organic traffic with SEO.

One simple way to optimize your conversion rates is to increase the flow of free traffic. By learning a lucrative skill like SEO, you can discover ways that you can drive unlimited free traffic to virtually any offer at any time. This allows you to test things out without losing your shirt. Now, clearly, this is very involved. But once you master it, the business world truly is your oyster.

8. Incorporate the word "free."

The word "FREE" is a primary motivation for consumers. Studies have shown that consumers are far more likely to grab something that's free versus something that's priced even at one cent. One study used a Lindt Truffle priced at 26 cents and a Hershey's Kiss priced at one cent to test this theory. Forty percent chose the Lindt Truffle and the other 40 chose the Hershey's Kiss. When the price was dropped one cent (25 cents and free, respectively), 90 percent went with the Hershey's Kiss.

9. Leverage testimonials.

Testimonials are huge. They should be located throughout your sales funnel, but also be very prominent and easy for people to discover on your product page. The more authentic and genuine these are, the more likely people will be to buy. Better yet? Make them video testimonials if at all possible. That will really help to revolutionize your sales and skyrocket your conversion rates.

10. Build your social proof.

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter comments are powerful social proof for improving your conversion rates. Protect privacy by blurring names but that proof goes a long way. Especially if people are dropping their comments to you on Facebook or sending you messages that you can screenshot, you can help to boost interest in your products, services or information quite literally overnight. This can also be done by using a tool created by Dave Rogenmoser called, Proof, which shows real-time sign-ups, purchases, downloads and so right on your site.

11. Build a warming email sequence.

Email warming sequences are very important if you're serious about conversion rates. When people get to know you and you offer a bit of transparency into your life, and you reveal the path that you've taken and the struggles that you've endured, people relate with that. It builds a solid bond between yourself and the consumer. And not only do you have a customer, but you could potential have a raving fan for life.

12. Use authentic images and videos.

Translation? Avoid stock photography. There's nothing that detracts more from an offer than stock photos. It just doesn't convey any authenticity, and that really is key in getting visitors to convert. Use your own photos and videos and make them as authentic as possible. Yes, you need to get out there and start gathering some great imagery, but it's better than the alternative.

13. Avoid offer-page clutter.

One of the biggest mistakes that I see newcomers making is to bombard their offer pages with so much clutter that it detracts people. Less is more here. Provide a clear structure, with nice images or icons, and don't clutter or bombard the page with nonsense. Keep the flow easy on the eyes with nice aesthetics to keep the user's interest peaked enough to make it down to the CTA.

14. Remove objections.

This is a big one. The primary thing that holds people back from hitting the buy now button are objections. They have objections about price. About time. About skill level. About complexities. And so on. You have to remove those objections. The better you can do that, the more likely you'll be to convert that browser into a buyer.

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